
The purposes of education and research

Spanish is spoken not only in Spain but also in many areas centering around Spanish cultural regions, including Latin America. This department aims to help students acquire good Spanish- language skills which can be used in the real world, in addition to deep knowledge about the culture which is the background of the language.


Spanish is spoken in Spain and many countries in Latin America, so it's important to understand the diverse cultures behind it. For this reason, the Department of Spanish studies focuses on not only improving Spanish ability but also learning about culture, society, literature, history, economics, and linguistics of the Spanish language. Students can deepen their knowledge of Spanish in the following classes: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics, Studies in Spanish Linguistics, and Topics in Spanish Linguistics. ?Classes in Culture are also offered: History of Spanish and Latin American Literature, Studies and Topics in Spanish Linguistics etc.

The Department of Spanish Studies welcomes students with the following interests and qualities:

    1. Those who are interested in Spain and Latin America and their different cultures.
    2. Those who approach problems aggressively, work hard, and have an indomitable spirit.
    3. Those who have intellectual curiosity and positive behavioral abilities.